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Hello, I am Nedaa Al-Jezani

Designer, Photographer, illustrator, Dreamer.

My Mantra

At the heart of Design is an opportunity for problem Solve.

I absolutely love finding
 creative solutions for my projects.

I am Not limited to a single genre. 

Young creative, graduated from the Multimedia Communications Program at Yukon University. Currently working on exciting new personal projects. I always look forward to starting something new and it is my hope to deliver authentic solutions that inspire others. 

My achievements

Personal Awards

I am extremely proud and honored to have received these amazing awards. They mean a lot to me as a professional designer.

Awwwards Site Of The Day
Awwwards Honorable mention
Website of the day
Website of the day
Awwwards Honorable mention
Best Choice for Creatives
This Pop-up Is Included in the Theme
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